Council Boundary Changes update

Hi friends, neighbours (all 137 of you !)

I'm sorry that this is unsolicited - but I'm trying to spread awareness of the opportunity that exists for our rural hills community to leave Onkaparinga and join Adelaide Hills.

  • Lower rates

  • Better representation

  • Closer

There is an online version of my article in the most recent Cherry Chatter here;

And the link to the petition is

So far, 55 people have signed to indicate interest. I'm hoping that the Cherry Chatter will send out another email or facebook post soon announcing a public meeting at the Hall so we can discuss this as a community.

Happy to take calls to discuss.


Darren Kruse
Brumby St resident
Cherry Gardens
Tel 08 8278 1779

Editors comment:

The Cherry Chatter committee has been in discussion with Darren for the last couple of months since he published the survey regarding the proposal for council boundary changes.

Darren has now advised that his survey has 80+ signatures which is significant enough for us to consider holding a public meeting at the Cherry Gardens Memorial Hall.

We are proposing a date in February where we will invite representatives from both the Onkaparinga and Adelaide Hills Councils to provide details in response to the information that Darren has put forward regarding the rates, representation and proximity of the council chambers to Cherry Gardens.

There will also very likely be other important considerations that Darren and others may not have thought about and these need to be raised and discussed.

There may also be residents from Cherry Gardens who would like to put forward an alternative position and there might also be some of our neighbours from Ironbank who could offer their opinions regarding the Adelaide Hills Council.

Anyway, please keep an eye out for signs once we set the date and come along and hear what people have to say and have your say as well if you want. Remember that this is really only the beginning as a change such as Darren is suggesting is a long and drawn out process.