Do you know about LIBBY?

Did you know that you can download e-books and audiobooks from SA Libraries via the SA Libraries App LIBBY, available free for Apple, Android or Windows via the Play Store?

Use your existing Library card, or if you don’t have one already, you can sign up online to get a digital card and start downloading eBooks and Audiobooks to your phone, tablet or laptop within minutes. Go to and click on eBooks and Audiobooks, and follow the links to get started by creating your own membership.

Once you’ve downloaded the Libby App, you can sign in on your phone or tablet using your membership card number and password, then browse the catalogue to find anything that might interest you. You can get samples of various eBooks or audiobooks to read or listen to, or select the whole book.

Audiobooks are available for 21 days after which time they will be deleted from your preferences. If you happen to have bookmarked any pages, those bookmarks will be deleted if you decide to download the audiobook again. A small price to pay for free audiobooks don’t you think? There are magazines, newspapers and much, much more available as online content so why not browse the website and see what SA Libraries have available for you and the whole family?