So how are you coping with the COVID-19 crisis?

I don’t know what it is like in your household but in ours the last few weeks have been very different and somewhat challenging. Hard to believe so many changes take place in such a short period of time.

It has actually been somewhat refreshing to see our governments actually working together and getting things done so quickly and it looks like the actions taken may have got us through the first phase of this virus relatively lightly compared to so many other countries.

Of course, this has resulted in a lot of pain and suffering to those who have lost their jobs and livelihood and for the personal freedoms that we have forgone for the better good of the whole community. Let’s hope we continue to see this virus leave our shores and we try to get our lives back soon.

I have had to work from home for the last 3 weeks and have got used to Zoom and Teams online meetings. We spend a lot of time with the family, have jigsaw puzzles on the go, play games and watch a lot of Netflix movies and series. Quite a few jobs around home have got ticked off the list, but really looking forward to going out for a meal, catching up with friends at the footy club, having a beer at the pub and just generally socialising. I really don’t like the phrase “Social Distancing” but I fear that this will be something we end up with after COVID-19 is tamed. Let’s hope it eventually fades into memory.

One thing we are doing in our household is trying to support those local businesses that are still open. Whether it be the supermarkets or take away food shops, we need to always remember to support local!

How did you celebrate ANZAC Day in 2020?

Did you stand at the end of your driveway at dawn like we did? What a moving way to reflect on the service of our ANZAC’s. Although the ANZAC Day service had to be cancelled, a few of us went to the Soldiers Memorial Park anyway at 8.30am and had our own brief service and personal reflection, observing the social distancing requirements. We also reflected on each Cherry Gardens soldier who paid the ultimate sacrifice by posting details every day in the 2 weeks leading up to ANZAC Day on the Cherry Chatter Facebook page. If you did not see this, then check it out as we must never forget their service to our country.

Very good news for the Rec Ground

Now for the very good news, the Recreation Ground was invited to attend a Zoom meeting with Corey Wingard a couple of weeks ago, and he happily announced that we had been successful in our application for grant funding for a new changeroom facility for all the sports clubs. The state government has granted $255,000 towards the project and the Onkaparinga Council has granted matching funding which means that the Recreation Ground will be able to proceed with the project. This is in stark contrast to the sports rorts affair of the Federal Government where we were overlooked for funding even though our application was rated one of the highest need in Australia.

If you have not yet visited the Cherry Chatter Facebook page, then please visit us by clicking on the link or typing into your search engine (google) “cherry chatter facebook” and then clicking on our page.

Once you are on our site then please “like” our page so that you can keep in touch with what is going on.

Cherry Chatter also has a very good website, and on the website, you can find an online version of the Cherry Chatter newsletter along with lots of other interesting information about our community and district.

The Don