Church News


Cherry Church recommenced services during July. We warmly welcome anyone to joins us at 9.30am each Sunday morning.

At this stage of COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to have our usual morning tea following the service. We are also faced with other modifications. Instead of singing, we are able to read together various hymns and songs. Music is still an integral part of the service and we are most grateful for those wonderful musicians who provide their talents.

It has been great to meet together again and share in the certainty of the good news of God being with us in the midst of uncertain times. Although it is sometimes difficult to grasp, especially during this pandemic and other troubled times, we can go forward in hope knowing that ‘All things work together for good for those who love the Lord.’ [Romans 8:28]

The Church community is always available to assist anyone who has a pastoral need.

Cherry Church Contacts

• Chairperson: Rob Linn 0407971650
• Web site:
• Email:
• Facebook:

87 Hicks Hill Rd, Cherry Gardens

Services held on Sundays at 9.30am