Hall News


The Fridges have arrived...

a big thank you to the City of Onkaparinga. You will recall that the Hall was successful this year in winning a grant to replace our aging 1000L refrigerator with 2 new 420L refrigerators. This means that for most functions we will only require having one smaller fridge turned on, a significant power saving. Below is a photo of Chairperson Bill Semple and Bookings Officer Terry Whittle pondering how to unwrap and install the new units.

We hope to have this done in time for our next event, the Cherry Church Christmas Carols on December 17th.


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What was the point of that...?

You may also recall that we received a grant to extend the storage facilities at the rear of the Hall. The removal of the old small area required us to relocate some of the items which have been stored there. Our 2 barbeques were placed temporarily outside under the pergola at the side of the hall. Unfortunately we have had a visitor or visitors who thought it would be fun to destroy one of the units. They completely bent 2 of the legs and dropped a concrete block onto the burners. The barbeques are used for functions such as the Community Campfire, Anzac Day breakfast, Election Day sausage sizzle, and are also available for use by hirers.

We will need to look at replacing the damaged unit as soon as funds permit.

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Cherry Gardens Memorial Hall for Hire

Available for hire for all functions, meetings & social occasions. Very reasonable rates. For bookings and more information phone 8270-2232