Book exchange

On a couple of occasions, the topic of a Book Exchange has been raised by the Cherry Chatter Committee and the Hall Committee. There is an organisation called “Little Free Library” which has about 90,000 book exchange locations around the world.

So, we thought it might be a good idea to introduce a Book Exchange in our local area. They are usually located in parks, playgrounds, sports fields, anywhere it can be accessible, so we will be locating our Book Exchange at the Recreational Ground at the end of Cherry Gardens Road, between the Netball/Tennis clubrooms and the main clubroom.

The Book Exchange aims to encourage literacy and a love of books without visiting a traditional library. There are already a number of Book Exchanges throughout South Australia from Gawler to Cape Jervis and throughout regional areas. At present the nearest one to Cherry Gardens is at Weymouth Oval in Coromandel Valley.

The Book Exchanges come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. They are basically a small house-shaped bookshelf with doors on the front. Some examples are shown below. Ours is being constructed as we speak by a local, Erik Annett, and we look forward to the final product.

We plan to install the Book Exchange during September and would encourage readers or those wanting to be readers to visit and select a book. We will load the exchange initially, and to ensure it provides a service to the community, please replace any book you take with another that someone might enjoy.


Please let your friends and neighbours know about the Book Exchange at the Recreation Ground if they are not aware. It may take some time for it to become known, but we hope it adds to the wonderful community of Cherry Gardens and neighbouring Ironbank
