Minton Farm


I have been rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing injured and orphaned native animals and birds at Minton Farm for 27 years now. There have been over 12,200 cases admitted to the intensive care facility. In addition to this there have been approx. 12,000 cases assisted via website, email, Facebook and phone inquiries. It has been a joy to be able to help the people that find the creatures and are desperately and compassionately trying to assist them. It has also been a delight to know personally so many different species of birds and animals that come into care. To understand their needs, emotions, and their pain. To be able to rehabilitate such wonderful creatures is humbling. Relieving their distress is also something I take very seriously, and although helping to end their suffering from horrific attacks from other animals is the best way to kindly assist them, it does take a toll emotionally.

27 years ago, I began helping neighbours with birds that their cats had attacked. So began Minton Farm Animal Rescue Centre. This year as Spring approached, the rescues started pouring in. One after the other, people brought lizards, baby birds and baby possums that their cat had attacked and brought to them. Not feral cats - pet cats. After all these years, the amount of domestic cat attacks on wildlife has not diminished because of education and knowledge, but has increased because of increasing habitat loss. The gardens are being demolished to make way for housing, and the wildlife have nowhere to hide, making it easy pickings for all predators to find them. Please contain your cat 24 hours a day in a cat run attached to your home to protect them from snakes, car strike and fighting as well as to help the remaining wildlife to have a chance to survive. Please lobby your Council to bring in 24/7 confinement laws as that is the only answer to the problem of cats finding baby birds in their nests, and lizards sunbaking to warm up during daylight hours as well as hunting nocturnal possums and birds.

I hope you have a lovely Christmas and time to enjoy the tranquillity of the wonderful wildlife that our beautiful District still has to offer.

Merry Christmas, from Bev and Glenn.

Bev Langley
455 Cherry Gardens Road, Cherry Gardens, SA, 5157
Phone 82701169
Mob 0422 938 439